Just because the world is spinning...doesn't mean you have to.
Learn to connect within so you can to
Come Home to Calm
Join us for a Magical 1/2 Day Journey back to Self
Sacred Dreams Lodge @ Misty Ridge Retreat B&B
Saturday, March 9, 2024 from 1-5 pm

Where do you turn when your mind is racing and you feel like you can’t control your thoughts?
Where do you turn when you’re overwhelmed by life’s responsibilities?
Where do you turn when your body is so exhausted that you feel like you just can’t continue?
You Turn Inwards!
Too often we get into the habit of looking outside of ourselves for ways to manage the chaos that inevitably creeps into our lives.
But the truth is, the best way to support yourself is to come home to calm… to that place inside of each one of us that knows the answers… but often gets drowned out by all the noise around us.
By learning to trust our own inner guidance, we are far more likely to build a deeper sense of peace within - which not only better equips us to handle all of life’s moving pieces, but actually guides us towards making choices that are in alignment with the lifestyle we desire to create.
Join Andrea from Embrace Wellness and Eliza from Inspired Evolvement for an afternoon of deepening that connection with yourself.
With guided support (and some creativity), you’ll create a plan that allows you to easily tap into that inner wisdom time and time again… to come home to the calm that resides within.
Make 2024 Your Year for
Beautiful, Intentional Living!
Welcome Ceremony
Intention Setting
Tea Meditation Ritual
5 Healing Elements Qigong Practice
Prompted Journaling
Yin Yoga
Sharing Circle
Community & Connection
Light Snacks and Refreshments

A true retreat experience doesn’t come from taking classes in a hotel conference room. It comes from losing yourself in the magic of your surroundings… and this is exactly why we chose Misty Ridge B&B Retreat.
This unique 6.5 acre property offers panoramic views of the city skyline on one side, and majestic views of the rolling foothills on the other side, abundant wildlife, and most importantly, the opportunity to relax, reconnect with nature and to get away from it all.
Located just 40 minutes from downtown Calgary, and minutes from Spruce Meadows, our afternoon retreat will take place inside The Yurt at Misty Ridge.
Blessed and named Sacred Dreams Lodge, this is a truly magical location to come together to practice, to release, to share and to evolve.

Yoga Mat
Blocks, Bolster, Blanket or other comfort items
Water Bottle
Journal or Paper & Pen
Your Favourite Mug
For years, I held this belief that the needs of others were more important than my own - that prioritizing myself was selfish. I tried to be everything to everybody, and my self-care was at the bottom of a never-ending list.
It never even occurred to me to do life any differently... until one day, I just couldn’t anymore. I was overwhelmed, unhappy and completely burnt out!
That gut-wrenching moment changed everything. It put me on a path of a slowing down and doing some important inner work to really get to know myself.
Along this journey, I suffered a chronic shoulder injury. While the years of increasing stress and lack of self-care were not the source of my injury, they were definitely contributing factors, and it made me realize how deeply connected our mental and physical health are.
It was at this time that I was introduced to Qigong and I instantly fell in love with this beautiful moving meditation practice. The fact that one practice could have such a profound effect on both my physical, and mental health inspired me to obtain my certification.
I'm passionate about sharing my knowledge to provide you with tools that empower you to take control of your own healing. What could be more beautiful than a world filled with healthy, happy people?
Andrea Desjardins

Eliza Arentewicz

My wellness journey began in 2000 when I took my first yoga class. I was intrigued and inspired by it, and still am to this day.
I knew I was going to teach it one day but life got busy and in the way of following my dream.
Years later, two pregnancies, career and being a wife and mom took its toll on me physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I do believe I was running with a nervous system on high alert at all times from a busy and stressful life. Fortunately, I was still practicing Yoga and knew that it always was my best way to reset myself, during the worst of times.
Serendipity finally lead me to yoga teacher training in 2015. It sparked my passion to teach others and to bring myself back to a more joyous life. It also lead me to take Meditation training and to become a Reiki master and Qigong teacher.
My life is very different now. I’m no longer under constant stress. I cherish all the moments I get to assist others to take better care of themselves. Slowing down and being present are key, I believe, to a more joyous life. There are different ways to make changes for everyone.
It is my desire to share some of these ways so that you can create a ritual that will work best for you to find your joy, your passion and your path to better wellness.
We're sorry, but we have reached our capacity for this retreat.
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