Embrace came about from seeing the struggles that so many people have that come from:
* buying into a hustle culture that has us believing our value lies in being busy and productive every second of every day;
* thinking that because we can have it all, that it means we have to do it all, without complaining or asking for help;
*chronic people-pleasing - never saying NO and not having clear boundaries around our time or our values;
*feeling like taking time for self-care is selfish;
It is a perfect recipe for burnout... and it's one that so many are following - living lives full of responsibility, with little time for the things that really and truly fill our soul...
... and thinking it's enough to just fit those little joys in between everything else, instead of taking the time to care for ourselves, so that we are able to show up as our best selves to the people that matter to us.
Unfortunately, many struggle in silence which keeps us feeling isolated and alone, and when we do reach out, it can be a long road to receive the proper support we need... and it can feel incredibly lonely.

Our vision is to provide you with a community, not just with services.
A community which offers a space to:
slow down
try new things
receive ongoing support
ask questions and receive answers.
We aim to provide this to you by collaborating with practitioners who share their expertise in various modalities, all aimed at helping you to strengthen your physical and mental well-being.